Events Programme


8th        (987th Meeting) Adjudication of the 2024 Poetry Competition by Caroline Matusiak


22nd      (988th Meeting) ‘Member’s Manuscripts’ and book sale



5th        (989th  Meeting) Theme –‘Local History/Legends’


19th      (990th  Meeting) Theme –Review a recently read literary work, either fiction, non-fiction or collection of poetry



5th        (991st Meeting) Write on the Night – topic to be set by Maggie Cobbett on the night

Closing date for ‘Article’ competition for a prose article (non-fiction) on the theme of ‘Food’

19th      (992nd Meeting) Talk by Phil Collins (not the famous one) on writing comedy. Open meeting, guests £3 including refreshments



2nd        (993rd Meeting) Adjudication of the ‘Article’ Competition


16th      (994th Meeting) ‘Member’s Manuscripts’ and book sale


30th      (995th Meeting) Theme–‘Together’




14th      (996th Meeting) Theme – ‘Social Media’

Display of six items to inspire writing for 11th June meeting


28th      (997th Meeting) Poetry Evening

Closing date for Mini Saga competition (a story in exactly 50 words excluding title)




11th      (998th Meeting) Theme – a piece incorporating at least five of the six items displayed on 14th May


25th      (999th Meeting) Write on the Night – topic set by SheilaWhitfield on the night



9th        (1000th Meeting) Celebration


24th      (1001st Meeting) Adjudication of Mini Saga Competition




6th        (1002nd Meeting) ‘Member’s Manuscripts’ and book sale


20th      (1003rd Meeting) Theme – ‘Water’

Closing date for the ‘Writing for Children’ Competition




3rd        (1004th Meeting) Talk by Tim Flanagan on non-fiction/writing for the press


17th      (1005th Meeting) Write on the Night – topic to be set by Peter Page on the night



1st       (1006th Meeting) Adjudication of the Writing for Children competition


15th      (1007th Meeting) ‘Member’s Manuscripts’ and book sale


29th      (1008th Meeting) Theme – ‘Hope’



12th      (1009th Meeting) AGM followed by ‘Member’s Manuscripts’


267th    (1010th Meeting) Theme – ‘Night’

Closing date for the Poetry competition



10th      (1011th Meeting) Pre-Christmas event



7th        (1012th Meeting) Adjudication of the 2025 Poetry competition


21st      (1013th  Meeting) ‘Member’s Manuscripts’ and book sale


Themed and ‘Member’s Manuscripts’ evenings:


Unless otherwise stated in the programme contributions on these occasions may be

  • fact or fiction
  • comic, tragic or simply serious
  • prose, poetry, song lyric or drama

On ‘Members’ Manuscripts’ evenings pieces on any theme, finished or ‘in progress’, may be read. Priority will be given to competition entries not previously shared and to pieces written for themed evenings for which there was not time on the night. Apart from competition entries length guideline for the shared pieces is that they should be capable of being read in 5 minutes – say 40 lines of poetry or 600-800 words of prose. Longer items may be shared if time allows.




Ripon Writers’ Group Competitions:


These are open to paid-up members only.


No member may submit more than one entry in any one competition.


Each entry must be the member’s original work and neither previously submitted for a RWG competition nor published (or broadcast) for a fee.


With the exception of the Mini Saga competition no entry in the competitions may exceed 1,500 words (including the title) or 40 lines of poetry. Entries in the Mini Saga competition must be exactly 50 words (excluding the title). A word count must be stated for stories and articles.


Entries must be submitted to the Competitions Secretary no later than the published closing date and the text must bear no means of identification.




The President’s Cup


The President’s Cup is presented at the Pre-Christmas Event.

The Competitions Secretary keeps a record of points accumulated throughout the year at RWG activities. These are awarded as follows:

  • 2 points for each RWG competition entered
  • 5 points for 1st place in a RWG competition
  • 3 points for 2nd place in a RWG competition
  • 2 points for 3rd place in a RWG competition



Themed and ‘Member’s Manuscripts’ evenings:


Unless otherwise stated in the programme contributions on these occasions may be

  • fact or fiction
  • comic, tragic or simply serious
  • prose, poetry, song lyric or drama

On ‘Members’ Manuscripts’ evenings pieces on any theme, finished or ‘in progress’, may be read. Priority will be given to competition entries not previously shared and to pieces written for themed evenings for which there was not time on the night. Apart from competition entries length guideline for the shared pieces is that they should be capable of being read in 5 minutes – say 40 lines of poetry or 600-800 words of prose. Longer items may be shared if time allows.




Ripon Writers’ Group Competitions:


These are open to paid-up members only.


No member may submit more than one entry in any one competition.


Each entry must be the member’s original work and neither previously submitted for a RWG competition nor published (or broadcast) for a fee.


With the exception of the Short Story competition no entry in the competitions may exceed 1,500 words (including the title) or 40 lines of poetry. Entries in the Short Story competition must be between 1,200 and 1,700 words (including the title). A word count must be stated for stories and articles.


Entries must be submitted to the Competitions Secretary no later than the published closing date and the text must bear no means of identification.




The President’s Cup


The President’s Cup is presented at the Pre-Christmas Event.

The Competitions Secretary keeps a record of points accumulated throughout the year at RWG activities. These are awarded as follows:

  • 2 points for each RWG competition entered
  • 5 points for 1st place in a RWG competition
  • 3 points for 2nd place in a RWG competition
  • 2 points for 3rd place in a RWG competition


Our friendly group meets once a fortnight at the St Wilfred's Community Centre on Trinity Lane and is always open to new members from the Ripon area and beyond. Whether your interest is in poetry or prose, novels, short stories, plays, wacky humour, a more analytical style of writing, or just listening for the time being, you're very welcome.

Contact us: Click here to send e-mail

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